Windows Installation

Windows XP installation

 The accompanying report guides you bit by bit through the most common way of introducing the

working frameworks so they are appropriately designed for training camp.

The report is partitioned into 3 sections:

1. Windows XP Installation

Windows XP

It is critical to comprehend that this guide was explicitly intended for a lab

climate. There are a ton of working framework weaknesses that are deliberately left

unpatched in these establishment steps. This is deliberately finished to give you the best

results while finishing the labs and instructional exercises in this book. On the off chance that you are intrigued, an incredible creation climate is Windows XP Security:

To make an appropriately designed PC for the Security Essentials Boot Camp, follow the

definite strides in this report — from the underlying arrangement screen to the last login. This

guide was intended for use on a framework that doesn't as of now have a Windows stage

introduced on it. On the off chance that your machine doesn't have a clear hard drive, a portion of the screens you

see toward the start of the establishment might be not quite the same as what you find in this section.

Assuming various screens show up, you actually should constantly pick the choice to supplant,

or on the other hand overwrite. Try not to decide to redesign. The Windows introduce ought to likewise be set in the

default c:\windows index.

Making Boot Disks

In the event that your framework doesn't uphold the capacity to boot off of a CD-ROM, you can utilize the

Windows XP boot plate for sure. In the event that you don't have a bunch of the four circles, you want to utilize

a machine that as of now has Windows XP Professional introduced on it. The accompanying advances

tell you the best way to make the four boot circles:

1. Mark four clear, designed, 3.5-inch, 1.44-MB floppy plates as: Setup

Circle One, Setup Disk Two, Setup Disk Three, and Setup Disk Four.

2. Embed Setup Disk One into the floppy circle drive of a Windows or DOS


3. Embed the Windows XP CD-ROM into the CD-ROM drive.

4. Click Start, and afterward click Run.

5. In the Open box, type D letter relegated to your CD-ROM drive), and afterward click OK.

6. Follow the screen prompts.

7. After you have finished the screen brief solicitations, embed Setup DiskOne into the floppy circle drive of the lab PC and power the PC on.

Booting from the CD-ROM

Assuming that your framework upholds booting off of the CD-ROM, you don't have to utilize the plates

recently talked about. All things being equal, follow these means:

1. Just beginning by putting the Windows XP CD-ROM into your CD plate and

power on your machine. The main non-clear screen you ought to see is the

one displayed in the accompanying representation

2. On the off chance that the past screen doesn't show up, reboot your machine and open up
the BIOS. You want to make the framework boot to the CD-ROM first. The
following screen is one of a few different BIOSes you could have on
your framework. You want to explore to a screen that permits you to change
the Boot Order. This is where you advise it to boot off of the CD-ROM

3.Presently your framework ought to boot off of the CD-ROM. After a timeframe
(commonly 30-45 seconds), the accompanying screen shows up. Since we are
doing an underlying introduce, you just have to press Enter to proceed.


4. Hit Enter at the following screen to proceed with establishment.


5. The Microsoft Windows XP Licensing Agreement shows up straightaway, as displayed
in the accompanying screen. You really must peruse and figure out this
understanding prior to going on with the establishment. After you have perused and
consented to the items in the permit, press F8 to proceed.


Characterizing Drive Partitions

You presently need to characterize the drive segments. Characterizing your drive parts is utilized all things considered
of FDISK. While characterizing your drive segments, you genuinely must leave
adequate room for your Linux segment! Following are the means:
1. Press C to make a parcel for your Windows introduce.
2. You really want at least 2Gb of space for every one of your working frameworks.
At the point when you are provoked for the size of the segment, enter a number that is
equivalent to 50 percent of your accessible hard drive space. Then, feature the
segment, which ought to be named Unpartitioned space (see the accompanying
delineation), and press C.
Note: If segments as of now exist they ought to be erased. Anyway you ought to understand that
this will forever eliminate any information that is presently on your framework

7.Now make your new parcel to be something like 2 Gb. In the gave space type 2047 and
press Enter

8.You ought to now see two allotments. Check that the new 2047 parcel is featured and
press Enter.

9.Formatting Drive Partitions
The following stage is to organize your parcel. For the sake of security, you ought to design your
allotments utilizing NTFS. NTFS is a Windows parcel type that permits you to dole out
authorizations at the envelope level. This degree of granularity isn't something very similar for FAT
allotments. NTFS additionally takes into consideration ale parcel sizes contrasted with the 2Gb furthest reaches that
accompanies FAT16. The means for designing your segment follow:

10. Feature the NTFS <Quick> segment choice as displayed in the accompanying
screen, and press Enter.

11. After you press Enter, the framework arranges the parcel, as displayed in the
following screens. Contingent upon the size of the parcel, this step can
take from 5 minutes to 60 minutes. This is an extraordinary opportunity to top off your caffeinelaced refreshment of decision. (You might require it since you have far
to go.)

12.Since this will take some time you ought to simply stand by while this interaction proceeds.

13.When you return to your machine, you might see one of the accompanying screens. Try not to be
frightened. The framework has finished the arranging system and has naturally
rebooted. After this happens, you need to address the leftover introduce questions.
Step 14
Step 15
Step 16
Step 17
Step 18
Step 19
Step 20
Step 21
Note: At this stage, the base establishment of Windows XP is introduced. The guidelines that
follow tell you the best way to move up to Service Pack 2, which is suggested for this class.
Introducing Service Pack 2
On the off chance that you don't have SP2 on a CD, you want to get Internet access arrangement, so you can
fix this crate to SP2. SP2 gives a few useful patches, which is the reason you need to
move up to it.
The main thing you want to do is confirm that your NIC (Network Interface Card) is
working and that you have network. Guarantee that your framework has the NIC stopped
into a switch or center point that is associated with the Internet. On the off chance that you have a DHCP (Dynamic Host
Arrangement Protocol) server on your organization, you ought to have the option to pull naturally
Final Step

 Presently click on Network and Internet Connections. The accompanying screen
ought to show up. Left click on Network Connections.

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